Clash D Day Lead Image

Clash D-Day Special Edition Unboxing

Designer: Elwin Klappe

Artist: Steve Woudenberg

Publisher: (Self-Published)

Year Published: 2024

No. of Players: 2

Ages: 12+

Playing Time: 45 min

Main mechanic / Theme: Rock-Paper-Scissors, Tile Placement/World War II

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This is just an unboxing. I received a preview copy of the game and wanted to show the contents before writing up a review. Some differences to note, this version was created quickly to get out to reviewers in order to start the buzz before the quickly approaching June 3rd launch date so the following differences can be noted from this version to the intended Gamefound version:

- Only English rules were included. Final version will have rules in French, Dutch, English, Spanish and German.

- Cards are printed on general card stock. Linen finish cards will be a stretch goal of the campaign.

- There will be a black felt-lined box inlay for all the the pieces to store in nicely. 

- Units in the demo copy are cardboard. A stretch goal for the campaign is to produce wooden units. There are also some test pieces on the punch boards for later development during the campaign.

Clash D-Day Box


I'll go through this layer by layer. After removing the shrink and opening the box, I found the rulebook and cards on top.

Clash D-Day Layer 1

There are two types of cards in the game, Victory cards (which you get as you complete attacks during the game) and Objective cards (which you are dealt one of to start the game that give you a possible easier path to victory.)

        Victory Cards Objective Cards

As you can see, the cards are printed in all 5 languages.

Next in the box is the game board! It's HUGE, measuring 50cmx80cm (that's about 20inx32in for those of us still using imperial measurements.)

Clash D-Day Wrapped Game Board

Full Game Board

Next up, we have the punch boards. As mentioned, the hope is to be able to make the pieces from wood rather than cardboard. We shall see what the stretch goals yield!

Axis Board 1

Axis Board 2

Allies Board 1

Allies Board 2

And last, but certainly not least, is the coin that players flip to determine first player. This is a nicely weighted metal coin (the color is more brassy than my photos show). 

Coin Axis side             Coin Ally side

I hope that you enjoyed this unboxing. Remember, you can get an additional special commemorative D-Day coin for free with your pledge if you follow the campaign before the June 3rd launch. The coin will be available as an add on if you miss the opportunity to follow before launch.


Stefan Yates

stefan yates

Stefan Yates is a professional in the Office of International Programs at Kansas State University. Finding ways to work gaming into work, he serves on the university’s Alternate Reality Game Committee and is formerly a co-Faculty Advisor for the Board Game Club. He is also a PhD student whose field of research is Gamification in Student Programming. He enjoys playing (and mostly losing) almost any type of game and likes to work in multiple game sessions per week whenever possible. An avid solo gamer with an additional interest in tabletop miniatures games, the stay-at-home orders of the pandemic were not particularly concerning as there was always painting to do and terrain to build. Stefan is also a book and movie collector and a huge football fan (go CHIEFS!)